The Lego Store Grand Opening at the Somerset Collection

And now for something completely different!

As some of you may know, I am the Event Photographer for the Somerset Collection, and sometimes an event is so cool, I can’t wait to share it with everyone! This was for the Grand Opening of the Lego Store…and they celebrated by getting all the children to help, over 3 days, to make the pieces that would contribute to one 8 foot tall Buzz Lightyear, put together by a “Master Lego Builder”. It was pretty awesome, check it out, and don’t forget to share them with the people in your life on our facebook page,

Lego always has a special place in my heart from remembering the many…MANY..hours spent just dumping the parts out on the floor and thinking “What can I create today?” I encourage you to do the same with your kids! No batteries needed, just imaginations! I’m not advertising for Lego here, I’m promoting creativity!

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