New Beginnings!

2009 flew by, and I will admit, all the weddings in I shot throughout the Metro Detroit area, Windsor, LaSalle, Toronto, and Ottawa, etc, kept me SO busy, I completely neglected writing on this blog! This will change in 2010! There’s so many big things to come, the first of which is now unveiled, a brand spanking new website! has a new facelift, and a whole new WHACK of photos to show all the hard work I’ve been doing over the last year.

New look, AND new sound too, as I’ve always had a strong emotional connection between the music I listen to and the creative spark in me, so when you visit the new site, enjoy the handpicked music to go along with it! (It’s really cool, if you move your mouse over the little equalizer icon on the bottom left of the screen, it is a full jukebox that can show you who’s playing and even let you change songs! Ok, I’m a music geek too..)

Enjoy, and keep checking back for more, as there’s so much to share, I can’t wait to share it with you!

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